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Debbie's Nutritional Advice

This year has been a challenge for so many people...Covid-19 has drastically changed our lives.  Because our economy was "shut down", we all had to basically stay home.....this lead to WEIGHT GAIN for so many of us...after all, what else could we do except stay home--which led to boredom--which led to eating.  It's time to take back control, lose that weight and start FEELING better!

If you are tired of yo-yo dieting, counting calories, feeling hungry, and all the other "things" that go along with "dieting", you need to try this.  The only thing you have to lose is......WEIGHT!!!

Lose weight
Lower blood pressure
Lower blood sugar
Lower cholesterol
Reduce/eliminate medications
Increase your energy level
All with FOOD??  To learn how to EAT MORE AND WEIGH LESS, reduce and or eliminate medications, (with the supervision of your provider),  reverse chronic diseases and increase your energy levels, register for one of my programs listed below.  Everyone has the ABILITY to take back control of their HEALTH and LOSE WEIGHT by eating healthy, delicious foods!
Choose the option that best suits your needs: 

OPTION #1--THREE MONTH WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM (One on one)--$250 (Available to all patients, friends and family)
Initial visit--One hour consultation learning about a Whole Food Plant Based diet
Weeks 2-12--Half hour visits once a week
Weekly weigh-in
Review food log
Discuss nutrition
Discuss barriers
New recipes every week
Learn batch cooking techniques
Learn how to do weekly food prepping
OPTION #2--SIX WEEK WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM--$175 (Available to all patients, family and friends)
Learn about a Whole Food Plant Based diet
Learn tips and tricks
Discuss batch cooking techniques
Discuss food prepping
Discuss barriers
OPTION #3--ONE SESSION AT A TIME-- $40/hr (Available to all patients, family, and friends)
*Learn about a Whole Food Plant Based diet
Learn tips and tricks
Discuss batch cooking techniques
Discuss food prepping
Discuss barriers

To get started, please contact Debbie:  518-339-2498   or email:

When you give your body what it needs, your body will heal itself.......


CHEESE: Who doesn't love it??  Let me give you some facts before you take another bite......go to my website: might be surprised at what you find......

On medications for blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.?  Click on this link to find out how ALL of these people literally CHANGED their lives by reversing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc., all by changing their diet:

Heart disease continues to be the #1 Killer in America--The Solution to PREVENTING AND REVERSING THIS #1 Killer?? Here's the answer:  As this article states, diet and lifestyle can reduce the risk of heart disease by 81-94%, while medication can only reduce the risk by 20-30%.

Very interesting article on meat and diabetes.  Just another reason to fill your plates with more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, and push off the foods that are causing us to become sick!  Here's the article from Harvard's Public Health School of Nutrition:

Ready to lose weight, drop your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar, and get to your IDEAL body weight with FOOD?  If so, join me on May 1st to begin the journey to a new, healthy, energy-filled body.  How?  All with food--When you give your body what it needs, your body will heal itself.  For more information, please visit my website: now and May 1st I will be posting information and instructions so we are prepared to begin eating this way on May 1st.  What have you got to lose? Anybody can do anything for 30 days...........

If you want to LOSE WEIGHT, eliminate/reduce medication, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc., contact me--I can help you achieve your goals with NUTRITION!!  Email:

Gut health--what is that??  Studies are now showing just how crucial gut health is to a healthy body--To learn more, click below:

Reverse diabetic neuropathy?  You will be surprised just how easy it may be.....

Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.....
How to Stock your Personal Food Pharmacy

Forbes reports that Plant Based diets are the healthiest!

Heart disease PREVENTED and or REVERSED with a plant based diet!  Remember, pills do not "cure"  heart disease--to get to the ROOT of the problem and FIX it, click on the link below:  

To get started on PREVENTING disease and or REVERSING it, just click the link below to show you how:

Trouble climbing stairs?  Learn how this 88 year old man climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro with his granddaughter--unbelievable!
Eighty Year Old Vegan Climbs Kilimanjaro

Lose weight AND reverse chronic disease with food??  Check this out:

Great article on HDL, "good" cholesterol, and what role it plays in our body:

The American College of Cardiology has urged hospitals to offer plant-based meals to their patients--this is a MUST read:

Did you know that heart disease, the #1 Killer in the US can be treated with food?  Click on this link for more information:

Eating healthy does not have to be expensive or difficult
--click on the link below for great tips and tricks!

Plant-based cardiothoracic surgeon practicing medicine until age 95!  Now, at age 100, he does his own yard work, mows his lawn and climbs stairs in his two-story home!!  The power of plants!!

Plants over Pills
!! Kaiser Permanente is the nation's largest managed health care system (like CDPDP in this area).  Because science proves over and over again that a plant-based diet can REVERSE chronic disease, Kaiser doctors teach their patients how to follow this diet and most of the time, eliminate their how this patient eliminated his diabetes medications--
Interested in learning more about Plants over Pills?  Call the office for an appointment today!! (518) 272-0028

The secrets to living a healthy, vibrant, long life without pills or procedures--keep reading!

Need to boost your memory and thinking skills?  It may be easier than you think!

Eggs--good or bad for us?  Watch this short video from Dr. Michael Greger for the scientific answer!

Plants over Pills?  A great short video from a well-known physician explaining how Lifestyle Medicine is much more powerful than Pills:

Have stubborn pounds to lose?  This article is a must read--was published in 2005--thousands more people since then have followed this advice and have lost more weight than they thought was possible!!

Spring is finally here!! Time to drop those extra pounds!! Eat MORE to weigh LESS:

Moderation??  This is what happens when we eat one fatty meal:
How Your Body Responds to Just One Fatty Meal

This is exactly why we are all so confused about nutrition:

This is the type of information that should be on the news daily...however, most people would never guess what gets added to our food supply.  If you eat, you need to read this:

Don't believe everything you hear!  The dairy industry has a brilliant marketing department--to read more on dairy, go to:

Check out this link from a well-known cardiologist in regards to eating healthy:

Are you looking for sound nutritional advice?  Go to my website, (link is below), and click on the Blog tab.  The Power of Nutrition is truly amazing!